OS X 10.7
ZEN STUDIOS IS THE DEFINITIVE LEADER IN VIDEOGAME PINBALL! o ZEN STUDIOS HAS THE HIGHEST RATED METACRITIC PINBALL GAME OF ALL TIME (88 METACRITIC SCORE) o MILLIONS OF TABLES SOLD ZEN PINBALL 2 IS A FREE DOWNLOAD FREE Table! Zen Pinball 2 comes with the Sorcerer's Lair table absolutely free! There are no strings attached, we are giving you a FREE table. ZEN PINBALL 2 INCLUDES THE CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED MARVEL PINBALL and STAR WARS PINBALL TABLES. ZEN PINBALL 2 WAS NOMINATED FOR SEVERAL E3 AWARDS, INCLUDING BEST OF SHOW WHAT THE PRESS HAVE TO SAY: Marvel Pinball is a great add-on to an already excellent experience. If you grew up with pinball machines, this will no doubt recapture a love long lost with the collapse of arcades. If you never had the chance to experience pinball, now is as good a time as any – IGN We’re going to keep playing probably long after this review, and we’ll have no qualms ponying up for extra tables. Pinball heads unite – this is as good as it gets without having an actual table in your house – GAMES RADAR ABOUT THE GAME Zen Pinball 2 sets a new standard for realistic ball physics and graphical detail in pinball video games employing cutting-edge visuals, challenging tables, true-to-life ball and table physics and combines them with innovative features not found in any other pinball game. THE MOST ADVANCED PINBALL GAME, FEATURING: -Hotseat multiplayer -New tables released regularly through in-app purchase. -Rule sheets to help you achieve higher scores -Achievements for each table FOLLOW US Twitter https://twitter.com/#!/zen_studios Facebook http://www.facebook.com/zenstudios Blog http://blog.zenstudios.com/ YouTube http://www.youtube.com/user/ZenStudiosGames?ob=0 Forums http://forum.zenstudios.com/index.php