OS X 10.6.6
Zeecrowd provides secure online collaborative applications spaces: "Crowds" Crowds enable you to communicate, share, work and play together. Zeecrowd is continually evolving and perfecting its collaborative experience. It is not necessary to provide extensive personal information in order to create a Zeecrowd account. Zeecrowd does not use your personal data and that data is only accessible by the members of your crowds. Once you are connected you can create and/or join as many Crowds as you wish. You can choose a separate identity, if desired, for each of your crowds. You can visually personalise the crowds that you create and each crowd can have its own unique visual identity. For each Crowd you can add the specific application you need, once again making each crowd a unique collaborative space. Zeecrowd offers a catalogue of every growing applications through its Apps, which is open to app developers: - chat - file sharing - photo sharing - calendar - white board - presentation of resources - web site links - large file sharing ...