Yoink – 拖放也可以轻松自如

OS X 10.7.3
Yoink是一款可简化窗口、应用、空间及全屏应用之间拖放操作的软件。 本应用入选了Apple以下分类:'超实用工具', '完成事情神器', '编辑最爱', '新款值得关注' 及 '新一年,新的你' 当你开始在Finder中拖动文件时或从某个应用程序拖动内容时,Yoink会在屏幕边缘逐渐显示一个小窗口,让你可以拖到里面。 如此可以释放你的鼠标,让你轻松自如地导航到目标位置,然后从Yoink窗口拖放即可。 要观看介绍视频或了解更多信息,请访问Yoink网站。 下面是一些用户对Yoink的评价: "Essential. One of the few apps I use all the time." - Kraznoff, US App Store "Simple, elegant, perfect. This is a fantastic app. It works flawlessly". - Benwiggy, UK App Store "Handiest utility I ever purchased." - Nrgwise, US App Store "Love it - always getting better!" - Ignolopi, US App Store "A must-have app!" - mc_razza, Australian App Store "Use it every day since I bought this app two years ago" - Bogidawn, US App Store "Drag & drop, super simplified" - don_gmt, Swiss App Store "Indispensable" - Man73, French App Store "A must for your toolbox" - frankmurf, US App Store "Perfection" - Peripheral, US App Store "This is a fantastic app. So simple to use and a great timesaver." - danmac147, Irish App Store 如下是一些媒体对Yoink的报道: "Yoink is a terrific utility for macOS" - John Gruber, DaringFireball.net "Yoink is a fantastic way to enhance drag'n'drop. Highly recommended." - Federico Viticci, MacStories.net "Yoink is an awesome drag and drop utility for the Mac and is instrumental to me when working with full screen apps." - Jeff Benjamin, iDownloadBlog "Yoink is a shelf. You put things on it. You take things off it. It's just a shelf. And you need it." - David Michael Ross, davidmichaelross.com "Yoink makes drag and drop easier." - Dan Frakes, Macworld "Yoink really makes the whole drag and drop process much less stressful." - Whitson Gordon, lifehacker.com "I absolutely love this little utility, it's one of the few I've come across that has had staying powers on my Macs." - James Dempsey, The Graphic Mac 如果您有任何意见反馈或问题,请随时给我发邮件:support@eternalstorms.at,或关注我们的Twitter:@YoinkApp或@eternalstorms。 谢谢!


Yoink:Mac 临时文件存储助手「更新 File Recall 等新功能」

2017-07-01 更新:转眼之间 Yoink 更新到 3.3 版本,回顾这三年内的发展,Yoink 又给我们带来了哪些新变化呢?来看下文: 你可以更灵活的掌握窗口的出现形式 在「后台设置-行为」中,除了让窗口在拖动文件时自动浮现外(图中的第一项),你还可以选择「当光标在某固定位置开始拖拽时」,即...