Yoga Made Simple

OS X 10.11
Discover the World of Yoga and see how iy can benefit you with the help of this collection of over 330 tutorial video lessons. Yoga is very popular with professional sportsmen and women and can be used to prolong a career and maybe reduce injuries. Use this app as a “Video Referencing Library” where you can come back for a refresher lesson or search for how to do something new. App features: ** Edit the video title, subtitle and keep your own set of user notes. ** Move the video around it's group and even change it's group. ** Make videos your favourites and give them your own rating ** Search by title or notes ** View by favourites or rating ** View by history the last ten played or visited videos Lessons include: 15 Minute Vinyasa Flow Yoga Class in the Mountains of Colorado 17-Minute Gentle Restorative Yin Yoga Sequence with Blocks 20 Minute Power Vinyasa Flow Yoga Class with Ashton August 20 Minute Handstand Tutorial Learn to Handstand Foam Roller Tutorial How to Use a Foam Roller Tips to Get You Started How To Use Massage Balls Tutorial How to Use a Yoga Strap Yoga Tutorial 10-Minute Yoga Class Meditation for Stress Relief Yoga Poses for Strong Summer-Ready Abs 16 Minute Booty Toning Yoga Tutorial 12 Yoga Poses to Help Relieve Lower Back Pain Yoga Class How to Use a Yoga Wheel Video Tutorial Downward Dog - Downward Facing Dog Yoga Tutorial Yoga Poses For A Sore Neck 5 Minute Morning Yoga Sequence Stretching and Strengthening 9 Yoga Poses for a Perky Booty Yoga Tutorial 5-Minute Hip Opening Yoga Sequence for Tight Hips Yoga Tutorial - Advanced extended right hand to big toe pose 1 Yoga Pose Tutorial - Bend to left leg with rotation 2 Yoga Pose Tutorial - Bend to left leg 3 Yoga Pose Tutorial - Bend to right leg with rotation 4 Yoga Pose Tutorial - Bikram triangle left 5 Yoga Pose Tutorial - Bikram triangle right 6 Yoga Pose Tutorial - Both big toes pose 7 Yoga Pose Tutorial - Bound angle pose 8 Yoga Pose Tutorial - Bow pose 9 Yoga Pose Tutorial - Bridge pose on elbows 10 Yoga Pose Tutorial - Bridge pose with hands pressed against back legs straightened 11 Yoga Pose Tutorial - Bridge pose with left leg up 12 Yoga Pose Tutorial - Bridge pose with right leg up 13 Yoga Pose Tutorial - Bridge pose 14 Yoga Pose Tutorial - Buddhist stupa pose 15 Yoga Pose Tutorial - Camel pose palms set against feet 16 Yoga Pose Tutorial - Cat pose 17 Yoga Pose Tutorial - Chair pose on toes 18 Yoga Pose Tutorial - Chair pose straight arms forward 19 Yoga Pose Tutorial - Chair pose 20 Yoga Pose Tutorial - Child pose 21 Yoga Pose Tutorial - Cobra pose 22 Yoga Pose Tutorial - Corpse pose 23 Yoga Pose Tutorial - Cow face pose left leg and right arm up 24 Yoga Pose Tutorial - Cow pose 25 Yoga Pose Tutorial - Crane pose with both legs up 26 Yoga Pose Tutorial - Crane pose with half bent legs up 27 Yoga Pose Tutorial - Crane pose with right leg up 28 Yoga Pose Tutorial - Crane pose head on the mat 29 Yoga Pose Tutorial - Crane pose 30 Yoga Pose Tutorial - Dancing Shiva pose left foot on right knee 31 Yoga Pose Tutorial - Dancing Shiva pose right foot on left knee 32 Yoga Pose Tutorial - Diamond pose 33 Yoga Pose Tutorial - Dove pose from diamond pose 34 Yoga Pose Tutorial - Downward facing dog pose 35 Yoga Pose Tutorial - Downward facing dog pose left leg up 36 Yoga Pose Tutorial - Downward facing dog pose right leg up 37 Yoga Pose Tutorial - Eagle pose left 38 Yoga Pose Tutorial - Eagle pose right 39 Yoga Pose Tutorial - Ear pressure pose 40 Yoga Pose Tutorial - Easy boat pose 41 Yoga Pose Tutorial - Easy bow pose 42 Yoga Pose Tutorial - Easy camel pose with palms against back 43 Yoga Pose Tutorial - Easy crow pose 44