OS X 10.7
Why YemuZip (short version): ● Make PC-friendly zip without "__MACOSX" etc ● Zip directly to email (super convenient!) ● Drag-and-drop interface Longer Description: YemuZip is an easy-to-use app for making zip files. Just drag, drop, name your zip file and you're done. Mac OS X's built-in compress function makes zip files that contains Mac specific information that, when extracted on a PC, looks like garbage. YemuZip lets you choose between a PC-friendly format and a Mac format that preserve all the Mac-specific metadata. YemuZip remembers your recently chosen destination folders. This allows you to quickly output the zip file to your Dropbox, for example. YemuZip can also place the resulting zip file directly in an email with no temporary file to deal with. IMPORTANT NOTE: How much compression you get is data dependent. This is true for any zip app. With today's cheap storage and broadband connectivity, zip is more for archiving multiple files/folders into one file than for compression.