XSTab is a tool designed to assist guitar players to find out what is really played in an Audio File focusing on classical guitar music pieces. Based on WAV-audio files XSTab generates guitar tabs and provides many filters to optimize and simplify these tabs to your needs.
All tabs and subsets of these tabs can be played via MIDI at a speed of 10% to 100% of normal speed.
XSTab provides the following filters and functions:
+ Extract Melody, Bass or Intermediate Voices.
+ Simplify the Left and Right Hands
+ Detect the most Frequently Played Voicings
+ Remove single Voices.
+ Extract Attack Tones.
+ Harmony Detection.
+ Optimize for Plectrum Players
+ Removing non Harmony Tones.
+ Apply Rhythmns.
+ Extract the Loudest tones (and waste overtones).
+ Transposition Up and Down
+ Export Tabs as Text Files to the File System.
XSTab uses the Guitar Standard and Drop D Tunings.
It took me a lot of prototyping to build this app and I hope you'll like it.