OS X 10.8
xScreenplay is a distraction-free application for screenwriting. xScreenplay lets you write, edit and read screenplay scripts on your Mac. Your scripts will appear perfectly paginated and formatted to industry standards every time. FEATURES - Simple interface - Formatting to American screenplay standards - Easily print on paper or PDF file - Can export to plain text, rtf (rich format), or pdf files - Mark up your text with comments, annotation - Remember input character name to be used for suggestion later - Auto highlight text color - Customizable paper's margins - Can hide top/bottom paper margin to view more text content when editing - Optimized for Retina displays - Includes Courier Prime, font designed for screenplays - Automatic restores after closing - Auto list up Scenes items for easy navigating - Easy to use shortcut-keys: “.” to start a slug-line “,” to start a dialogue “;” to write Transition “Cmd-Shift-Enter” for page-break “ALT-Up, Down” to navigate between scenes