XPS Reader is the only App available on the App Store which brings support to OS X for documents in the .xps format.
XPS (Open XML Paper Specification, also referred to as OpenXPS) is an open specification for a page description language and a fixed-document format originally developed by Microsoft.
Features & functions include:
• Printing
• Bookmarking
• Displaying document properties
• Extracting fonts
• Extracting images
• Outline Mode View
• Single & Double page modes
• Page Delimiter management
• + more customizable preferences
XPS Reader is an App from Software Solutions & Technologies AG (SST) in Switzerland, and is fully supported. We will continue to develop all of our Apps until we think they're perfect. And we have very high standards. New features we are working on for future updates to the App include:
• Text Selection
• Search function (for text based documents)
If there are any features you would like to see to make the app even more useful to you, please let us know.