WrApp Tube – Desktop App for Youtube

OS X 10.10
WrApp Tube is the Best and Fastest Mac app for YouTube. It's fully feature packed and lets you easily view music videos, movie trailers, clips and much more without ever needing to open your web browser. KEY FEATURES: • Instant access to YouTube via your Mac's menu bar or your Dock. • Native Fullscreen support. • Ability to remove ads banners. • Ability to remove video adverts. • Exclusive Video Full Window! • Ability to automatically pause a running video when the app window is minimized and resume when app is active again. • Window opacity control. • Resizable window. • Ability to run app via both the menu bar and the Dock. • Slick touch gestures support. BENEFITS OF WRAPP TUBE: • The Best YouTube experience on your Mac. • Dark Theme. • Save a huge amount of battery life compare to using popular web browser. • Built with the latest available technology for an amazing experience. • Visually amazing design and interface. • Can turn off annoying video ads. • Quick access to YouTube from your menubar. • Regular free updates. NB: An Internet Connection is needed to use WrApp for YouTube. WrApp Tube is not affiliated with, associated to, nor endorsed by Google in any way. YouTube, Google, and the Google Logo are trademarks of Google Inc. We've worked hard to make Wrapp Tube as simple and efficient as possible for you to use. We would love to hear your thoughts via email and make any improvements to future versions of this app. We intend to have an active development cycle powered by your feedback, love and support!