Workshop for Microsoft Excel 2016

OS X 10.6
Workshop for Microsoft Excel 2016 brings you video training and tutorials for Microsoft Excel. Learn how to create spreadsheets, work with forumulas, setup tables, and create charts. Includes new videos on the all new Microsoft Excel 2016 edition. Videos on MS Excel cover: - Creating new spreadsheets - Entering and formatting data - Working with ranges - Number entry - Recommended Charts - The new 2016 interface - Pie Charts - Line charts and bar graphs - Comma delimited files - Importing text - If Statements - Formulas - Creating drop down lists and tables - Built-in functions - Copy and past of rows and columns - Cell locking - Conditional formatting - Grouping and Subtotals - HLookup Includes in-app access to the Microsoft Office suite online edition (subscription and login required). This app is unofficial and not endorsed by or associated with Microsoft. f634d7aff7