Word Magic – Toddler Reading and Phonics

OS X 10.11
Word Magic is a simple application I developed for my 2-year old son who kept on wanting to "help" me while I was typing on my laptop. This app will let your child "help" with your typing, while you help them learn about language and words. You type sentences together with your child, and for certain "magical" words, a picture will appear beside the word - and the computer will clearly enunciate the word out loud. I like to think of it as 'casting a spell'. Children who are starting to read will enjoy playing with this app. At present there are more than 120 words available (you can see them by selecting the 'word list' option in the menu). They are mostly nouns such as "milk", "wood", "cat", "dog" etc. The word selection is primarily based on nouns in the well-known 'Dolch word list' used for decades in the United States as a primary list for teaching children an initial set of words (see at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dolch_word_list). Please send us feedback to info@soferio.com. Cheers, and enjoy!