Word Counter Pro

Intel 64 / OS X
$ 5.99
Word Counter Pro is a simple and powerful application for writers. With Word Counter Pro you can view statistics of your writing such as word count, character count, sentence count, line count, paragraph count, and more. Word Counter Pro allows you to view stats in four different ways: You can type or paste text in the window. You can drag-and-drop a supported text file to the window. You can have Word Counter Pro watch a supported text file as you edit it in another application. When Word Counter Pro is watching a text file, a popover will appear in the menubar displaying stats that will be updated as you write. Use the Word Counter Pro action extension to get stats of selected text in any text editing app that supports Action Extensions (like TextEdit). Word Counter Pro also allows you to apply custom settings. Some of the custom settings you can specify include: Setting a custom page size for measuring Line count. For accuracy, Word Counter Pro calculates the Line count by measuring against a particular page size. Changing the left and right margin of the custom page size, which also will impact the Line count. Enforcing a minimum number of sentences required for Paragraph count. Most word processing software will incorrectly count titles and lines of text in headers as paragraphs, even though they are not part of the body of your document. Requiring a certain number of sentences per paragraph can result in a more accurate paragraph count, since dangling words are not counted as paragraphs. Word Counter Pro supports the following file types: .rtfd, .rtf, .txt, .docx.