OS X 10.9
Winston is the typewriter simulator for macOS. Perfect for one thing: Writing. Just writing. Without losing focus of your ideas, without the constant backtracking and endless fussing over your text, judging it too soon and killing your ideas dead! Winston is about putting imagination and ideas on "paper" and making a mess while you're doing it. It's free-writing at its best! A fully customizable experience, Winston behaves and sounds like the real deal. You can choose from a variety of Typesets, Sounds, Papers and Backgrounds to suit your style. Customize the typewriter to behave just as you'd like. You can have it behave almost exactly like the real thing, or switch off any of its settings to accommodate your needs. For instance: - Allow the text to wrap automatically - Allow text to be amended - Display a text cursor - Even switch off all animations and sounds (but what's the fun in that!) Enjoy. Write. Repeat. :)