Wholly Shot - Test your grey matter against 86 levels of physics puzzling fun. Each level holds a different challenge - starting with a few purely physics based challenges, levels quickly begin to require more logic to solve, with some being deviously tough! Different types of blocks and game mechanics are gradually added to the mix, including buttons, forcefields and death-blocks.
To complete each puzzle you need to destroy all the enemies blocks and save all friendlies within the level using the set number of cannonballs, either one, two or three.
First, position and aim your cannonball, and then shoot and steer it through the air until it comes into contact with a block, or until you blow it up, if it is the 'Explodaball'.
Score 450+/900 points in a stage to unlock the next. You've not completed a level until it is 100% complete though :)
Complete each and every level and aim to top the Game Center leaderboards!