White Wine 101

OS X 10.9
The HD version of this tutorial is available for download and streaming at www.BoozHowTooz.com! Tom Small will teach you everything you need to know about making white wine from a kit. Even more basic than the red wine process Tom demonstrates just how easy making kit wine is. With his tried and true tips and tricks you too can master any kit wine. Make a clean, crisp and filtered Pinot Grigio in the comfort of your own home. In this beginner tutorial Tom gets into setting up and running a Buon Vino wine filter system to further clarify your wine, demonstrates an alternative bottling method without the use of the bottle filler attachment, and many more handy and helpful techniques to perfecting the wine kit. He shows you the most efficient way to make kit wine with the minimum amount of work and mess, making the process more enjoyable. With Tom’s experience and humour he’ll having you fermenting and drinking your own white with confidence, dispelling the myth that you can’t make good wine from a kit. App Features: • 23 minutes of video training • Super clear explanations • Offline Playback (no internet connection needed) • Easy to navigate Course Outline: 1. Trailer 2. Intro 3. Equipment List 4. Ingredients 5. Sanitization (Part 1) 6. Sanitization (Part 2) 7. Set-Up 8. Original Gravity 9. Inoculation 10. Primary Racking 11. Secondary Racking 12. Clarifiers and Stabilizers 13. Filtering 14. Terminal Gravity 15. Bottling 16. Tasting 17. Credits