Weight Lifting Motion X RT

OS X 10.7
This app is for making bar path tracking of weightlifting in real time. 'Setting conditions' 1. Please use this app in environment bright enough. When the brightness of the video is not enough, app does not work normally. 2. The background color in the video should be the monochromatic color.(dark color is better) 3. When you use USB camera instead of Web camera in PC, set video format as type of '640x480' in the app's GUI panel. If you want to ask any questions before purchasing, please visit support page (Facebook). 'Operation' 1. Start App. 2. Open a new window. PC's window menu bar [File] -> [New Recording] 3. Main window will be opened. Resize the main window as you like. 4. When you use USB camera instead of Web camera in PC, set video format as type of '640x480' in the app's GUI panel. 5. Set scale for the tracking. Set cursor to the 45cm weight plate and press [Scale] button. You can resize the cursor by the slider above. 6. Set target plate for the tracking. Set cursor to the target plate and press [Target] button. Target plate means smaller plate such as 5kg plate (17cm). 7. Barbell tracking will be started. The path and vertical velocity of barbell center are shown. 8. You can record the video by pressing [Record] button. You can save the bar path video to your arbitrary directory and check the bar path video by the movie player in your PC. 'Option' You can set conditions as below >Grid on off >Text on off >Speed graph on off 'Note' The values of bar height and bar speed are not so accurate. The accuracy depends on the circumstances of taking video and dragging operation in the App. The price of app will be changed without any notifications. For more information, please visit the support page. 'Disclaimers' A third party can not use the result without permission of who in pictures or movies recorded by this app. We assume no responsibility or liability for any actions taken as a result of using this Application, or for errors or omissions in content.