Intel 64 / OS X
$ 29.95
WALTR is designed to make it easy to convert and transfer any music or video file to an iPad or iPhone format for native playback. It supports a huge variety of media file types, including MP3, MP4, AVI, CUE, WMA, M4R, AAC, M4V, M4A, FLAC, ALAC, MKV, and more. It even supports file types that are not normally compatible with iOS, including MKV, AVI, FLAC, and CUE, allowing them to be played in the native Music and Movie apps on iOS. Using WALTR is simple. After closing iTunes, a user just needs to plug an iPhone or iPad into a Mac and open the WALTR app. The iOS device and its available storage space is listed at the top of the app, and files can be dragged to the blank space in the app for immediate transfer to the iOS device. Uploads begin as soon as a file is dragged into the WALTR app, and most uploads are very quick, taking a few seconds. Once a file has been transferred to the iPhone or iPad, it is accessible in either the native Movies or Music app on the iOS device, and overall, the WALTR process is simpler than converting via a separate app and then uploading through iTunes.


WALTR 2:继续进化,这次不只是视频传输

在 2015 年大热的 Mac – iOS 视频传输软件 WALTR 在前天推出了其第二代产品 WALTR 2,新版的 WALTR 完美兼容 MacOS Sierra 系统,并在原有基础上增加了对铃声、iBooks 电子书的支持,用户将两端设备连接后也可对以上文件类型进行传输,此外还首次...