A wallpaper monitor, remind you of saving and classifying desktop pictures whenever you change or get a new wallpaper.
And, one key quick switching your recent 10 desktop pictures!
I love my desktop pictures, which is my motivation behind coding this app. I am very annoyed at the fact that some apps and online wallpaper services always try to download and save their wallpapers in some undocumented, HIDDEN or even system folder like: "/Users/your-name/Library/Application Support/the-app-name". Which really makes it tough for me to organize them.
Meanwhile, there's also another problem. Say you're surfing the web and come across a good picture, and you set it as your wallpaper with a simple right click of "Use Images as Desktop Picture". This is all good and well until you change your wallpaper again the other day. Now, where is the old one? Maybe you know they are all in a same name of "Safari Desktop Picture.jpg", you've lost the old one unless you dragged it from System Preferences to a folder manually.
wallpaperGUARD is here helping you. Just set a parent folder as your default desktop picture's folder, you may also add as many as classify sub folders like "arts", "beauty", "cars" deep in 4 levels. You're done! Now, any new image that becomes your wallpaper, whether it was set by another app, a web service, or yourself, will be checked by the wallpaperGUARD for its real location. If it is already in your default folder, so much the better. But, if it is not, wallpaperGUARD will pop out and offer to copy or move it to anywhere for you, it's that simple!
Especially consider this app if you have more than 50 desktop pictures or if you have no idea where more than half of your wallpapers are stored.
wallpaperGUARD, the lover of wallpaper lovers!
Features v1.10
- fully automatic respond whenever your desktop picture changed by you or other apps
- auto check and compare your default collections folder deep in 4 level sub folders
- newly changed desktop picture can be easily copy or moved to any folder you select
- automatic overwriting protection, never worry about wallpaper pictures in same name
- very rapid picture check and very minor system resource usage because app only check the picture file's location folder instead of check itself
- option to hide app's dock icon
v1.10 -> v1.30
- detecting engine changed
- color of the app's icon changed
- dragonBTV panel updated
v1.30 -> v2.50
- fully re-coded for macOS Sierra 10.12
- updated to macOS Sierra 10.12 and still compatible to OS10.7 and above
- brand new function added:
recent used 10 desktop pictures can be one key accessed from status menu
- hide dock icon option updated for instant switching without restarting app
- reset saving folder menu and alert added
- tips for "no historical item yet" added
- tip added for auto open at login (auto start)
- more by dragonBTV updated
v2.50 -> v2.51
- app size dramatically reduced
- menu re-arranged for simplification
- more by dragonBTV simplified
- performance improvements for macOS 10.13 High Sierra