VoiceReader TTS Text To Speech

OS X 10.7
++ Happy Customer "Fantastic tool (*****) by Christjan W Five stars for a fantastic support to a great app! Michael listen and understand what you need to get a good experience of his app." Used for pre recorded voices in film movie production." VoiceReader Text-To-Speech (TTS) Application with cost per word calculation VoiceReader is your Text-to-Speech application. It offers various unique features. Ideally for learning at school, eLearning platforms, audio books, video tutorials, anonymous talking and so on. 100+ free system voices downloadable, depending on your OS version. You like our tool or but are missing particular features? Do not hesitate and tell us. ++ Features - Text dictation mode. This adds a pause between every word. - 100+ professional natural voices downloadeable, full list below (NOTE: Which voices and how many voices you can access or download depends on your OS version.) - Save as AIFF audio file - Calculate total cost - Plays selected text - Plays from the current cursor position - Change durration in words-per-minute (WPM) Often you need to know the cost of your text. Just enter the cost per word and get the total amount of cost. - Setup cost per word - Count number of words ++ Built in Commands There are some built in commands that expands to more complex strings. Commands are written within less-then and greater-then signs. help - Shows this list pause:2 - expands to: [[volm 0.0]] 21 21 21 21 [[volm 1.0]] - volume to 0 to simulate a pause abc - expands to: a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, x, x, y, z. count:10 - expands to: "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10." Sure you can change the value. countdown:10 - expands to: "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1." You can change the value. spell:Apple - Spells the given word, here A.p.p.l.e. You can change the word. mac - the mac intro from 1984 ;) stevejobs - Saying about design hello - Say hello ++ Professional natural voices (downloadable) NOTE: Which voices you can access depends on your OS version ! On some older systems, some voices might not be available for download. English (Australia) Karen Lee English (India) Veena English (Ireland) Moira English (Scottish Standard English) Fiona English (South Africa) Tessa English (United Kingdom) Daniel Kate Oliver Serena English (United States) - Female Anges Allison Ava Kathy Princess Samantha Susan Vicki Victoria English (United States) - Male Alex Bruce Fred Junior Ralph Tom English (United States) - Novelity Albert Bad News Bahh Bells Boing Bubbles Cellos Deranged Good News Hysterical Pipe Organ Trinoids Whisper Zarvox Arabic (Saudi Arabia) Maged Tarik Chinese (China) Ting-Ting Chinese (Hong Kong SAR China) Sin-ji Chinese (Taiwan) Mei-Jia Czech (Czech Republic) Iveta Zuzana Danish (Denmark) Magnus Sara Dutch (Belgium) Ellen Dutch (Netherlands) Claire Xander Finnish (Finland) Satu French (Canada) Amelie Chantal Nicolas French (France) Audrey Aurelie Thomas German (Germany) Anna Markus Petra Yannick Greek (Greece) Melina Nikos Hebrew (Israel) Carmit Hindi (India) Lekha Hungarian (Hungary) Mariska Indonesian (Indonesia) Damayanti Italian (Italy) - Female Alice Federica Paola Italian (Italy) - Male Luca Japanese (Japan) Kyoko Otoya Korean (South Korea) Yuna Norwegian Bokmål (Norway) Henrik Nora Polish (Poland) Ewa Zosia Portuguese (Brazil) Felipe Luciana Portuguese (Portugal) Caatarina Joana Romanian (Romania) Ioana Russian (Russia) Katya Milena Yuri Slovak (Slovakia) Laura Spanish (Argentina) Diego Spanish (Colombia) Carlos Soledad Spanish (Mexico) Angelica Juan Paulina Spanish (Spain) Jorge Monica Swedish (Sweden) Alva Klara Oskar Thai (Thailand) Kanya Turkish (Turkey) Cem Yelda NOTE: Which voices you can access depends on your OS version. On some older systems, some voices might not be available for download. You like our tool or but are missing particular features? Do not hesitate and tell us.