OS X 10.10
▷ 4.5/5 Stars, Macworld May 2015 Recapture the Lost Art of Joyful Concentration. Overcome Procrastination. Get Motivated. Vitamin-R creates optimal conditions for your brain by structuring your work into short bursts of distraction-free, highly-focused activity alternating with opportunities for renewal, reflection and intuition. The built-in task logging and analysis features create positive momentum towards productivity by providing you with visible feedback on your progress and achievements. ▷ Slices Up Daunting Tasks into Manageable Chunks Vitamin-R breaks down large, vaguely defined tasks into a series of short "time slices" of between 10 and 30 minutes, each with a specific, easily reachable and actionable objective. ▷ Keeps You Focused Vitamin-R features an array of highly configurable visual, audio and speech notifications that prod you back to your task as soon as your attention starts to wander. ▷ Gets You Started, Keeps You Motivated Vitamin-R allows you to break through the resistance of procrastination and create a positive feedback loop of small achievements that get you closer to your ultimate aims. ▷ Effective Task Switching Task switching is a big, but often unavoidable productivity killer. Vitamin-R makes it as efficient as possible and the built-in "breadcrumbing" technique helps you pick up where you left off. ▷ Productive Breaks Regular breaks are not for slackers. In fact, they are especially important for people who work with high focus. Vitamin-R's timed breaks make sure that your renewal break does not turn into a free afternoon and the "priming" technique allows your intuition to work overtime before you even start on an objective. ▷ Find Your Rhythm Each one of us is different. Find out what works best for you and unlock the key to true productivity. Vitamin-R provides the tools to gain improved awareness of your preferred work methods and rhythms. Armed with this new knowledge, you can eliminate unproductive work patterns. ▷ Get It Out of Your Head Quickly Did you know that your short term memory can only hold 4-6 "chunks" of information? The slightest interruption and it's all gone and you have to start from scratch. That's why Vitamin-R provides you with the "Now & Later Board", complete with FastType magic, to give you a place to quickly dump all those things that go through your head and allow you to quickly return to your task. ▷ Make It Your Own Vitamin-R plugs into your life rather than trying to take it over. You can use it occasionally to overcome procrastination or mental blocks or re-organize your entire working life around the concepts that it embodies. ▷ Works with OmniFocus, Things & The Hit List Vitamin-R integrates with traditional to-do list managers rather than trying to replace them. ▷ Block Out Noise The built-in noise machine can block out irritating coworkers and create energizing soundscapes. ▷ Eliminate Distractions Vitamin-R helps you reduce distractions by automatically eliminating desktop clutter and hiding unrelated applications. ▷ Syncs with all your Mac OS X and iOS Devices Vitamin-R for Mac seamlessly syncs with the iPhone version and multiple Macs via its simple Dropbox integration, so you can log your time slices wherever you are. ▷ Ideal for Pomodoro Technique Aficionados Vitamin-R provides everything you need to implement the Pomodoro Technique: sophisticated timer, log book and analysis component. ▷ Attention Deficit Disorder While Vitamin-R was never specifically designed with ADHD "sufferers" in mind, many ADHD-ers have found its approach to focusing attention invaluable.