Visual Calculator is a calculator for your Mac. Day to day calculations will be easier to complete using the visual aids provided with Visual Calculator. The Calculators displays features that makes a calculator truly useful. Visual Calculator takes advantage of the big screen of your Mac and has the added feature of a pathway view of your calculations. Users can understand the math easily. It also allows you to add a tag before every numeral to make the calculation more understandable. It automatically saves every calculation and stores them for future reference. You can also share your calculation through the available sharing options.
-Resizable display of calculations. Not just the solution.
-Edit numbers and add tags.
-Save calculations in history.
-Define title for each calculation.
-Easy to manage history list.
-Share calculations via email
-Mark calculations as Favorite to find them in a dedicated section.
-Search bar helps you to quickly find calculations.
-Change currency of a number easily and use them in your calculations.
-iCloud sync
Visual Calculator is a more organized approach to calculation on your Mac. Download Visual Calculator now and start experiencing a new visual approach to calculating.