OS X 10.9
This is an app I created for myself. I had a problem, which I could not find another easier solution. But, as always, as others may have this problem too, I am publishing the solution here. My problem was I had to create a video looper to show a sequence of videos, and in between those videos, I wanted to add short video ads, or randomly other videos. In the beginning, with fewer videos I did that manually, but after the playlist grew to over 100 video, it got painfully annoying. The sequence of videos was going to be played in a TV set with smart capabilities, or my newer solution was a raspberry pi with openelec operational system. Anyway, any commercial video looper solution that requires a sequence of files to be played can be used. This app gets a folder full of videos, intersects some video ads in the middle of them, randomly adds other videos, and then export everything to a folder. The exported files have numbers before the name, so if the video looper uses alphabetical order to play the videos, they will be played in order. Anyway, I know this is a very niche program. But I had a lot of trouble myself to solve this, maybe others can use it too.