A new breathtaking photo for your desktop wallpaper, every day.
Unsplash is the world’s premier platform for HD photography. Millions of submitted photos have been narrowed down to the absolute best by the Unsplash community. Today, you get to enjoy the fruits of our labor.
From space pics taken by NASA, to bewitching urban streetscapes, to astounding shots of nature taken by high-flying drones—find mesmerizing wallpaper for your Mac in seconds:
-Click the Unsplash button on the toolbar
-Pick a photo
-Ba-boom! Fresh wallpaper.
Two clicks. That’s it. No fidgeting around with the settings. We’ve made it dead simple. And if you’d like, the app will let you automatically change your wallpaper, every day or week (your pick!)
Here’s what the world’s wittiest wordsmiths are saying about Unsplash:
“The web’s premier free photo library”—WIRED
“One of the greatest resources.”—Forbes
“Simple, useful.”—The Next Web
So don’t just take it from us. The world’s best wallpaper awaits you. Beauty’s never been easier to behold.
We built Unsplash as a way to empower creativity by sharing our copyright-free photography. Today, Unsplash hosts some of the world’s most widely-seen photos. Our photos serve as inspiration to designers, artists, tastemakers, and creatives across the globe. No surprise—Unsplash contributors are among the most talented (and most generous) creators in the world. Curiosity piqued? Come contribute a shot, or spend some time browsing. Make something awesome at https://unsplash.com.