Have you ever forgotten to reply to someone? Opened the conversation and got distracted by something else, leaving that person waiting for hours, maybe even days before you got back to them? Of course you have. In fact, you probably have conversations like that RIGHT NOW. Hurry, go check! Or don't: It's 2017, and you better believe there's finally an app for that.
Unreplied is the ONLY app on the Mac App Store that shows you all of these missed conversations and makes it super simple to get back into them. Unreplied lives in your Mac's status bar and updates itself periodically. You have an assortment of filtering options at your disposal to make sure that only the important messages get through.
Unreplied is also really secure: it uses the macOS sandbox to keep all of your conversations confidential and inaccessible to other apps or services. The sandbox blocks network and file system access so Unreplied can't share your data even if it wanted to!
Get Unreplied now and stop worrying about ignoring your friends, family, coworkers or other important people. Let your Mac do that for you!