Unique Code Generator

OS X 10.6.6
Unique Code Generator is the most powerful, fastest and most accurate way to generate millions of unique codes on your Mac. Unique codes are perfect to use as voucher codes, in on-pack promotions, loyalty schemes, product serial numbers, tickets, lotteries, PIN codes and passwords. APP FEATURES: * Flex your character set * Choose from the Quick templates or pick your own allowable characters. * Choose your code length * Anything up to a 16 character maximum code length. * As many as you need, fast * Generate up to 20 million codes in a matter of seconds. * Accurate * The exact number of codes you need, 100% unique, every time. * Save to popular formats * You can choose .TXT (default) or .CSV files so they can be easily imported into other applications. Codes are created one per line. * In-app help * Instantly find out the number of variations and likelihood of guessing. * Great value * Free updates. No repeating charges. All for the price of a cup of coffee. Unique Code Generator could be used by marketers, printers, competition promoters, developers and you?