Intel 64 / OS X
$ 15.99
Unibox is a people-centric email client that organizes your messages by person. It avoids having email like a to-do list. Features Unibox supports IMAP servers: Gmail iCloud, me.com, mac.com Yahoo! Exchange if IMAP is enabled Hotmail, outlook.com, live.com Self-hosted IMAP servers Many more Single window: Instantly compose your messages without opening new windows. Conversations: Easily drill down into a conversation view with multiple participants. Unified Accounts: View messages and conversations across all your accounts. Switch Accounts: Focus on single accounts or folders when necessary. Attachment List: Quickly find documents and files you exchanged with other people. Attachment Grid: Visually browse your attachments and images. Quicklook: Preview attachments without launching external apps. Aliases: Use multiple identities with a single account, including separate SMTP servers.