** FREE access to MEDLINE/PubMed, full-text journals, and Grapherence® -- Unbound’s revolutionary visual search technology **
Unbound MEDLINE connects you to over 24 million journal citations and abstracts from PubMed. Perform powerful searches and link to the publisher’s full text articles. Visually explore the literature using Grapherence™, a unique way to discover difficult to find, related, and relevant articles.
Unbound MEDLINE allows you to:
• Search the PubMed database – 24+ million journal articles
• Link directly to full text journal articles
• See article relationships with Grapherence
• Perform advanced and evidence-based searches
• Share articles with colleagues
• Bookmark searches and articles as ‘Favorites’
Grapherence® is Unbound’s new interactive search that graphically represents the influence and interrelationships among journal articles. Tap the Grapherence button within a citation and instantly see how that article is related to others. Using this exclusive feature the researcher quickly uncovers difficult to find entries, determines overall significance, identifies clusters of thought, and locates seminal articles.
With 50+ premium apps available, Unbound Medicine combines powerful software with best-selling content to deliver clinical answers wherever you need them. Top-selling apps include Nursing Central™, Johns Hopkins Antibiotic (ABX) Guide, Davis’s Drug Guide, 5-Minute Clinical Consult, Harriet Lane Handbook, The Washington Manual, and Diagnosaurus DDx.