A fully featured typing tutor that teaches typing for life. Ages 4 - Adult
Typing Tutor For Kids and All uses a completely new approach to teach the efficient touch-typing system. It makes typing fun, is interactive and works with new teaching method. The beautiful design create an amazing atmosphere that allows everybody, including children, to improve their typing skills.
This app is fun to use! Lessons vary from simple letters and words to proverbs and quotes of great thinkers of the past. Basic lessons are generated programatically so that you will never see the same exercise twice.
MULTIPLE LEVEL DIFFICULTY : Should you start from very beginning, or do you wants polish your typing speed. Figure out your initial skill level and start practicing right away, until your fingers are a blur.
CHECK YOUR MEMORY : There is a stage only for check your memory capabilities so check your self how much you great!
Really a GREAT app for improve knowledge about surrounding and genius..