Intel 64 / OS X / Intel 32
$ 26.70
Typinator turbo-charges your typing productivity. Type a little. Typinator does the rest. We've all faced projects that require repetitive typing tasks. With Typinator, you can store commonly used text and images in quick keywords and abbreviations. From email templates to code snippets to website URLs, there's no easier way to recreate repetitive text at a moment's notice. Workflow-Friendly Features Uncomplicated configuration. Quickly and easily create abbreviations and assign replacement text and pictures. Simplified migration. If you already use TextExpander, TypeIt4Me, or a similar app, you can migrate to the highly praised Typinator using simple drag-and-drop importation methods. Conversion options. Instantly convert currency values, measurement units and more. Extensive app compatibility. Your text expansions function in all of your OS X and macOS apps with lightning-fast precision.



在 Mac 应用的分类中,有一种类别叫 Text Expander,这类软件的作用集中于文字输入效率的提升。比如对文字工作者而言,他们每天都会频繁输入一些重复的数据;又或许你是个程序员,需要反复敲代码。那么在面对这样的用户群体时,Typinator 就能通过压缩敲击键盘的次数,进而减少使用键盘的时间...