OS X 10.9
Lets you determine various motoring costs, such as the cost of a journey, your average MPG, how much fuel would be needed for a journey, and how much fuel you get for your money. It can also perform conversions between popular motoring values (MPH to KPH, for example). The application will help you work out: • How much a journey will actually cost. • Your real-life MPG. • How much fuel you will need for a given journey. • How many gallons/litres you will get for a given amount of money. Other features include: • Load and save data to file for various trips. • Copy input data and results to the clipboard. • Launch Calculator application. • Use Imperial or Metric calculations for measurements in gallons/litres. • Perform various motoring related conversions. All results are approximate. If you have a problem contact us, don't leave a bad review. We will always try to help. We have lots of very satisfied customers (visit our website to see their comments!)