Wonderful app easy and intuitive as few of its kind, the first places in the rankings for iPhone / iPad now also available for iMac, to know, to see in real time all the earthquakes and the place in which they occurred in the world! !
On the map all the telluric movements are displayed, the map has a scroll and zoom to allow you to move easily on the globe, earthquakes are indicated by colored placeholders based on the intensity of the earthquake, clicking on them you can have all details, expressed magnitude of Richter scale, the number of sensors that detected the event, confirming an operator of the data, the type of earthquake (earthquake / explosion), type of alert, generating tsunami (if at sea), power, deep in the earth's crust where it originated the earthquake expressed in kilometers, date with day and time of the event in addition to the latest update on the earthquake!
You can view the location of the earthquake with Fly Over technology, enabling the 3D that is attached map will be like to fly over the area, increasing or decreasing the height using the zoom on the map.
The map is easily switchable in the visual modes: Map, Satellite, Hybrid, Satellite Fly Over, Hybrid Fly Over.
Technical features:
- Filters for the setting panel such as:
a) Range Date (from / to)
b) Magnitude (1/10)
c) Number earthquakes loaded based on the filters (Max 20,000)
- "Map" in real time with the seismic events located on the exact place
- Differentiation of earthquakes represented on the list and on the map based on the colors
- Detailed description with:
a) Magnitude of the Earthquake
b) Depth detected event
c) Date event
d) Possible date last update Sisma
e) Type of Earthquake: Earthquake / Explosion
f) generating Indication Tsunami
g) Alert Type (Green / Yellow / Orange / Red)
h) Number of sensors that detected the event
i) Confirmation Operator of the data
l) of the earthquake power understood as impact scale 0/1000
- View "Fly Over", in satellite and hybrid mode, to see the spot where the earthquake occurred
- "Earthquakes List" Global ordered by date Event, to always know the latest earthquake
- "Detail Earthquakes List" with all the geographical details and the earthquake data
- Sharing with their social, email, notes, and many others from the general list.
With the settings panel you can now apply a filter, which enables faster loading according to research desired
Technical Requirements Minimum:
- Data connection (WiFi / Ethernet / 3g / 4g)