Translation Practice – Learn Foreign Language by Subtitles

OS X 10.7
Subtitles from movies or series on different languages are good for learning foreign language. There are many useful everyday phrases and dialogues. If you have a pair of subtitles one for your native language and the other one for a language you learn you can have a great translation practice. This app allows you to improve your foreign language skills by translating subtitles from your native language into a language you learn. It's easy to find a lot of subtitles in the internet on different languages. The app supports .srt subtitles and .html files with embedded time stamps to listen to audiobooks with subtitles (see links in the Help menu of the app). So when you see a phrase on your native language start to translate and type only letters. The app will fill fields, compare and show you if you made a mistake. You can ask for a hint for the next letter, word or the whole phrase. You can attach an audio file with sound track from the movie and listen to a phrase which you're translating. See help page of the app to know how to extract audio file from a movie. Shortcuts are available: ⌘+1 for the next letter, ⌘+2 - next word, ⌘+3 - complete the sentence, previous subtitle ⌘+←, next subtitle ⌘+→, Space - play current subtitle from audio track, ⌘+P - play starting from the current time. Sometimes subtitles are not synced. You can shift a time for subtitles to make them synced. Select the same phrase in the both tables and double click the Time column of the left side table to input proper time. The rest of subtitles will be synced automatically. See also Translation Practice for iOS! Search in App Store or get a link at our site