Track My Mileage

OS X 10.10
Do you need to keep track of mileage for business, charitable, medical/moving or personal reasons but find paper logs are difficult to maintain? Well, Track My Mileage will make that process extremely easy. Do you want an app that allows you to pick the fields you currently need but allows for future additions? Well, Track My Mileage is extremely flexible and allows you all customizability you need now and in the future. Features: Supports receipt tracking Supports round trip and reimbursement amount doubling Supports multiple business tracking Supports the recording of arrival, departure, pick up time, drop off, lunch start and/or end times Supports work/job numbers Help section to get you acclimated with the app Share your data with multiple Macs, iPhones, iPads or iPod Touches and keep a backup of your data for safe keeping. Reports available in Excel or Numbers compatible CSV attachment Supports Filtering: Would you like to archive last year’s mileage and start fresh for this year without losing your current trips? Would you like to be able to export a report filtered by a combination of time period, origin, destination, vehicle, driver, business, client, mileage type, purpose, notes and/or status columns? Or would you like to be able filter your trips by any of these date shortcuts: This Week, This Month, This Year, Last Week, Last Month, Month To Date, Year To Date, Last Year, Last 2 Months, Last 3 Months, Last 6 Months, Last 9 Months or Last 12 Months. Ad-Free option available if you want to get rid of the ads Client Tracking: Associated and group/sort your trips by client. Expense Tracking: You can now track the following expenses general, parking, tolls, meals, lodging, business center, conference, telephone, incidentals, gas, per diem and other. You can even provide notes specific to expenses. Multiple Driver Tracking: Track as many different drivers as meets your needs Mileage Type Categorizing: Business, Charitable, Medical/Moving and Personal mileage types are automatically created for you but you can add and/or customize the list to meet your needs Multiple Vehicle Tracking: Not only can you name your vehicles but you have the ability to provide the make, model, year, color, license plate number, vehicle identification number and you can also identify the vehicle as being a business vehicle. Additionally you can setup your own vehicle safety checklist and be prompted once per day to perform the checks Customize-able Statuses: Choose the statuses that meet your needs (i.e. Submitted, Claimed, etc…) Choose from 21 different formatted reports, which only required a web browser, if you want your report in a specific format or if you want to be able to send the report to someone who may not have Excel or Numbers Several user defined preferences available to allow you to customize the app to meet your needs Customizable calculation of cost per mile or kilometer with support for up to 3 decimal places 18 supported date formats Group your trips list by: Business, Client, Destination, Driver, Mileage Type, No Grouping, Origin, Purpose, Status, Vehicle or Year and Month 60 sorting options for trips Copy and Paste to minimized data Flexibility to enter the odometer start/stop and have the distance calculated automatically or enter the distance manually Odometer Start/Stop/Distance supports up to 3 decimal places Choose if the odometer start is remembered based on the maximum or the last odometer stop entered for each vehicle Save partially completed trips and return later and add the remain details