The Toolbox for GoPro Hero 5 and 6 cameras allows you to control GoPro Hero 5/6 (and 4 with some restrictions) cameras. The app supports a self timer, HDR/exposure bracketing, GPS based triggers, and live streaming to YouTube, Facebook, and other services. A quick control mode allows you to quickly capture scenes with a single click.
Demo video: https://youtu.be/Q1az2dbUF0Q
## Features ##
- Supports GoPro Hero 5/6 cameras (Hero 4 Black Edition works with minor restrictions*).
- Self timer.
- Capture exposure series (HDR) with unlimited number of pictures.
- RAW and night mode support for HDR.
- HDR time-lapse/interval function.
- Presets for fast switching of camera settings.
- GPS based camera control (trigger controls when entering certain places).
- Quick capture mode for recording videos, capturing photos, and camera power on/off with a single click.
- Control camera settings.
- Live preview with video and audio.
- Download photos and videos over Wifi.
- Live stream video from your GoPro to YouTube, Facebook Live, and custom services**.
* Hero 4 restrictions: no pairing support.
** Example live stream (400 kbit, LTE network): "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGfREq77qgM"
## Live preview ##
If you cannot see the live preview then make sure that the macOS firewall does not block the UDP port 8554 (details: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201642).
## Disclaimer ##
- We are not affiliated with GoPro Inc.