ToneBoards lets you turn your keyboard into a configurable & dynamic, chromatic-tone-generator. Choose from a selection of keyboard-tone-mappings, or create your own custom map. Configurations supports a range of 128 chromatic keys, and 255 microtonal key positions, from C-1 to G#9. Customization instructions can be found at https://kipplebits.wordpress.com. Even numbers represent the Chromatic keys, while odds represent the inbetween microtonal keys. To create a new config, fill out the empty_template_cfg_.txt file in the app package, and save it with a new name in sConfigFiles folder. Record yourself using 3rd party MacOSX plugins(i.e. SoundFlower) or with an external device.
NOTE: ToneBoards was build for a standard US English keyboard. International keyboards may have affected functionality.
ALSO: Functionality may be affected by the manufacturer when used with third-party keyboards.
demo video: