TMU Tutorial for Day One

OS X 10.7
Day One is a fantastic and full featured Journaling App for Mac, iPhone & iPad. In this tutorial we go through all the ways to create, edit, view & organize journal entries. We look at how to add photos in different ways, record audio entries, work with locations, adjusting time or place and much more. Full Lesson List... Journaling with Day One for Mac: 1. Introduction 2. The Mac Interface 3. Text Formatting 4. Photos 5. Photos View 6. Map View 7. Calendar View 8. Adjust Date or Location 9. Favorites & Tags 10. Multiple Journals 11. Search 12. Selective Sync 13. Reminders 14. Share Entries 15. Password Protection 16. Wrap Up Journaling with Day One for iOS (iPad & iPhone) 1. Introduction 2. The Interface 3. Text Formatting 4. Photos 5. Audio & Transcription 6. Drawing 7. Siri Shortcuts 8. Favorites & Tags 9. Metadata 10. Calendar 11. Map 12. Multiple Journals 13. Search 14. Selective Sync 15. Reminders 16. Activity Feed 17. Share Entries 18. Lock with a Passcode 19. Wrap Up