
OS X / Intel 32
$ 0.00
Note: While the software is classified as free, it is actually donationware. Please consider making a donation to help support development. TitleExchange is a unique tool which makes working with subtitles quick and simple. It allows conversion of several text-based and binary formats to and from Avid DS Caption, PremierePro, FCP XML, FCPX XML, and other formats. For example simply export your FCP timeline with the subtitles as XML and open this XML with TitleExchange. Most of the functions are free. Some of them require a donation to unlock the full access. (Works for 30 days as full version - with a 50 title limitation for some features - then the application will turn into free version, if no serial number is entered). After a year of usage the app will not work any more. Just download the latest version and start over again. Supported Formats: Adobe Encore subtitle script files Avid DS Caption Avid Marker - in only Ayato Text Belle Nuit BluRay XML - in only Captionate - in only Cavena MTL Cinevation CPC Continuos Timed Text DFXP Digital Cinema XML DVD Studio Track XML - in only DVDit FAB text - in only Feet/Frame text - in only Final Cut Server XML - in only Final Cut Pro Sequence XML Markers (XMEML) - in only Final Cut Pro XML (XMEML) Final Cut Pro X XML (FCPXML) Generic Timed Text Gelula Text (DAS) Google XML iTunes Timed Text Micro DVD Qube Master QuickTime Text Sami XML Smoke XML Sonic Scenarist Text STL EBU - in only STL Spruce Structured Subtitles SubBits Subrip SRT SubtitleHorse - in only Swift Styled Text - in only Titlevision Universal Subtitle Format - in only YouTube XML