From Mac Softpedia review (http://mac.softpedia.com/get/Utilities/TimeTill.shtml):
"TimeTill is a small yet efficient application that brings all the information in the same user interface, allows you to filter the entries by calendar or importance, and lets you know how much time is left until each event."
The app displays your Calendar's events and Reminders' items in one sorted by time list, with calculated countdown times.
You see them all at one glance with calculated countdown times.
- Time in various formats and units
- See only calendar events or only reminders items or both
- Filtering by individual calendars
- Search for events and items by descriptions
- Optionally use calendars colors
- Select important items to follow them up in an emphasized view
Strictly business: neither fancy user interface nor distracting graphics is between you and your data.
The iPad / iPhone version is also available.