3D visual thinking for creative brainstorming, problem solving, collaborative research and education. Beyond 3D mind mapping – reflecting how minds work.
Thortspace diverges from conventional mind-mapping and concept-mapping software in a number of ways:
* Maps are structured around the surfaces of one or more spheres which are presented to the user in 3D
* Map-nodes (called "thorts" in the product) can be associated in groups according to proximity, as well as connected by paths
* Paths can be made to connect thort to group, thort to thort, group to group, thort to sphere, group to sphere, sphere to sphere
* Multiple alternative arrangements of subsets of nodes can be stored and transitioned between
* The concept of "Journeys" allows a series of viewpoints of maps in the 3D space to be visited sequentially, so as to make something of the form of a presentation
* The product supports a rudimentary implementation of social networking and a newsfeed that allows users to track their own and others contributions across collaborative spheres
Some of Thortspace's notable features:
* Supports a consistent interface and data sharing across all major operating system platforms and devices.
* 3D associative and linking structures based on spheres
* Linking and association at multiple different levels of structure
* Real-time collaboration
* Sharing by email, social networking account, or by private link
* 1-click publishing to the web
* Thorts can contain images, URL links, and be colour coded in multiple alternative categorizations
* Thortspace is designed to support:
(1) experimental multi-perspectival reflection and play,
(2) the creation of chunks of thinking as building blocks that can be used to build thinking structures,
(3) process-orientation - thortspace empowers the journey, not just the destination,
(4) synthesis as well as analysis
Gooisoft’s Thortspace software is subject to international copyright law (c) 2008-2018 and also international patent law
with Patents Granted in USA, UK, Australia and HongKong and Patent Pending in Canada. UK Patent GB2494520 : Australia Patent 2012101951 : USA Patent No. 9,684,426 : Hong Kong Patent HK1183135 : Patent Pending Canada : Patent Application No. 2847602