The Game of the Goose

OS X 10.7
One of the most popular boardgames The Game Of The Goose (a race game) now on your Mac! This delightful game is simple and easy to play, even for small children who cannot read yet. 3! gaming tables! 1 to 4 players. Automatic or manual movement of the playing pieces. Beautiful graphics and animations, sounds and special effects. Players spin the wheel and move their playing pieces for the number of steps indicated by the wheel. Many spaces on the board have special hazards or benefits for players who land on them: move the playing piece to other specified spaces, re-spin the wheel, move backward or lose one turn. The first player who successfully arrives at the last space in an exact number of steps is the winner. If you exceed the required number of steps, you must step forward into last space and then move backwards for the number of steps in excess. **DON'T MISS OUR OTHER EXCITING GAMES!** MathLand FruitLand Snakes and Ladders