OS X 10.10
The service tool for text writers. Write Markdown in Evernote, highlight source code fragments in Outlook, turn web links into QR code. MARKDOWN ANYWHERE With TextSer you can write in markdown virtually anywhere. Select the text and turn it to a rich text format in-place. Use a word processor, email client or note-taking application of your choice, yet be free from fighting the formatting styles. HIGHLIGHT SOURCE CODE Quoting source code or configuration fragments in emails or documents is a daily activity for many of us. TextSer makes this very easy task with consistent looking output. GENERATE QR CODE Embedding QR code in to your slides is great way to enahce your presentation with on-line content. With TextSer, select a link (or any text for that matter) and paste in the QR code. That's it. NOTABLE FEATURES - text service context menu - configurable output - custom styles using CSS - rich text input and output - HTML source code for integration with CMS or Web blogs - embed images using data urls - uses highlight.js for code highlighting