OS X 10.10
TextMax is a fast, easy-to-use text editor with many features for editing, searching, and manipulation of text, source code, or HTML, XML, Plist content. Application's Functions: - Search/Replace content in multi tab, multi files, folder with Regex (Regular Expression) supported - Multi document in the same window (with tab control, tab list) - Multi-Language for Syntax highlight or Commenting source code - Support Large Text File (hundreds of MB ~ several GB) - Save document with custom encoding, custom permission - Auto backup unsaved content after quitting the app - Include [Merge & Compare] tool - Include [Batch Encoding Converter (find files base on Encoding then convert to another Encoding)] tool - Include [Word Count] tool - Include [Lines of Code (LOC) counter] tool - Include [ASCII, Unicode - HEX - Base64(MIME) converter] tool - Insert repeat content multiple times - Insert current time, date, other files' content, folder tree.... - Show Line Number, END of LINE mark, TAB mark - Show "SUM", "AVERAGE", "MULTIPLY" value of selected numbers - Increase/Decrease selected Lines' Indent by Tab key - Hard wrap, Soft wrap (wrap to window) - Support multi pre-defined color-themes for editing window (in Preferences dialog) - Allow user to customize color of: background, text, syntax, select text, number, string .... - Support [Simple Editing Window Mode] (toggle by using CMD-1 shortcut key) - Print document - Show Line number - Jump to Line - Move lines up/down - Trim selected lines - Remove empty lines - Remove duplicate lines - Add/Remove prefix, suffix, line numbers - Add/Remove/Reduce Quote character - Sort lines - Split/Join lines - Comment out/Uncomment source code - Open multiple URL Links at the same time - Zoom in and zoom out - Support read/write binary plist file - Unlimited Undo/Redo