- Create text with letters of alternating colors -
Text n Colors is a desktop application that lets you create text with letters of alternating colors. You select one or more colors to create a color list, which will be temporarily saved in a drop-down menu. Text n Colors sets the fill color of each letter according to this list. You can save text as an image file or a rich text file to your disk. Or just select the entire output text string, right-click and then choose Copy so that you can paste the styled text selection over a rich text (i.e. TextEdit) document.
- Features -
1. Save text as an image file or a rich text file to your disk.
2. Save any number of color lists.
3. Rename a color list by selecting its parent name. (Version 1.1.4) Choose Rename Colors under Color.
4. Do or do not apply a stroke with a color of your selection to text.
5. Save all current settings by choosing Save Settings under Text n Colors. Choose Load Settings to load saved settings.
6. Create a list of gradually-shifting colors with two colors you select. (Version 1.1.0)
7. Change the horizontal alignment of the text you create when you have two more lines. (Press Control + Return to enter a new line.) (Version 1.1.0)
8. Reshuffle color elements on the text color drop-down menu. (Version 1.1.4) Choose Randomize Color Elements under Color.
9. The application supports the fullScreen mode.
10.The application supports the retina screen. (tested with 2014 2.6 GHz 13" MacBook Pro)
11.Languages: English only.
12.Application file size: 15.1 MB.
13.The application comes with a built-in 17-page user guide. Choose Show Quick Tour under Text n Colors whenever you need to see it.
- System requirements -
1. 10.8 (tested with 10.8.5), 10.9 (not tested), 10.10 (tested with 10.10,10.10.5), 10.11 (tested with 10.11.1)
2. 64-bit system
- Limitations -
1. A styled text image you produce will have resolutions of 144 dpi x 144 dpi with a Retina display only when you select JPEG, PNG, TIFF as an export format.
2. Not all fonts you have installed on your system support the bold and italic typefaces. If the font you select does not support either of them, the application will fall back on the its default typeface.
3. This application is designed to work with a short text string. It does not have a scroll view to enclose the whole text output when the user sets a long string. In order to see the entire text output, the user needs to enlarge the application window.