Templates Box for Pages

OS X 10.7
Pages Templates are the design solutions for your Pages documents. The app contains 1110 templates in total that can be used for creating great-looking, easy-to-compose and high-quality documents. Once ready, documents can be shared, printed or transferred to your iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch via iCloud. Documents in the iCloud Drive provide fast and convenient way for keeping your documents up to date across all your devices. All the templates are sorted into 10 categories: - Brochures, - Business Cards, - Calendars, - Cards & Invitations, - Envelopes, - Flyers, - Forms, - Letters, - Newsletters, - Reports. The sizes of the templates are standard US Letter and A4, except for the envelopes that come in a specific size. To compose the high-quality design document with Pages Templates will not take long and all that time will pass with fun and in an excellent mood. To use Templates Box for Pages you just need a Mac with iWork '09 (Pages 4.0) or later.