Do you love to cook or to eat and you need a little inspiration? If yes, you should try our recipes collection. You're going to love these delicious recipes that you can get direct on your table. Satisfy your appetite with over 800 recipes! You can now also create and manage your own recipes collection by adding the name, ingredients, directions, cook time, preparation time and the image of your recipe. Back up your recipes list to keep your collection safe! Search new recipes on the internet with the help of our browser.
For those who use Tasty Recipes please leave us a feedback.
◆◆◆ Bug Fix & Feature Request ◆◆◆
If you have any problem, please email us at tamas.raresiuliu@yahoo.com / carmen.simoc@yahoo.com. Thank you! We will fix bugs and add features for you as soon as possible.
- Bookmark and manage your favorite recipes!
- Over 800 recipes!
- Share your recipes with friends and family through email and Facebook!
- Print out the current recipe!
- Backup and Restore option helps you keep your recipes safe!
- Photographic support!
- Drag & Drop support for images!
- Create and manage your own recipes collection!
- Index of all recipes by categories!
- Search and find recipes!
- Internet browser!
- Friendly user interface!