Intel 64 / OS X
$ 24.99
TaskPaper is a plain-text to-do list that’s surprisingly adept. Thoroughly modernized. TaskPaper 3 is all new, while still retaining the same plain-text design that’s been getting things done since 2006. What's New in 3 All new app More powerful searches Flexible and unique folding interface More powerful text editor and outliner Saved searches; one click away in sidebar Relative date and time based searches LESS/CSS powered themes Extensive Javascript API Key Features Plain text files; edit anywhere Type and your lists are auto formatted Projects- tasks, notes, and @tags Text editor speed with outliner power Lists within lists within lists Fold, focus, and filter to make big list small Drag and drop to organize your list Fully scriptable and themable Getting things done since 2006


Taskpaper 3:宅男专用 GTD 工具

我们曾在2年前介绍过 Taskpaper 这款软件,作为文本型 GTD 工具的代表之一,Taskpaper 一直是宅男们的最爱,在并不长的发展历史中,不止是在 Mac 平台,就连 iOS,Win 平台上也逐渐相继出现了 TaskPaper 式的软件和 App。 [maxbutton id=̶...