OS X 10.9
Full-featured note taker, outline creator and project management workbench for your Mac. TaskCard for Mac is a nimble and easy-to-use yet deceptively powerful app for taking notes, designing outlines and organizing projects. It gives you a dedicated workplace where you can organize all your ideas, keep your notes and plan anything you want. TaskCard 2 was designed from the ground up to be a totally unique experience on the Mac while taking full advantage of the latest features OS X has to offer. Professionals, students and casual writers alike will appreciate TaskCard's unique approach to working with ideas while benefiting from it's powerful feature set. Features in detail: - Write outlines naturally as you type. - Tasks with due dates, reminders and repeating that sync in your Mac's calendar and across all your devices. - Take notes that integrate with your outlines using TaskCard's unique card based interface. - Keep attachments in your outlines of: files, text, image, links and more! - Hyperlinks like found on the web which let you jump around in your projects by clicking on words. - Full screen "Dashboard Mode" for a distraction free workplace. - Easily synch your documents using DropBox or iCloud Drive (Yosemite or higher required)