
Fast text recognition (OCR) to create searchable PDFs. More than 100 languages available for fast and precise results! Compose PDF from many sources l...


Collect notes, e-mails, and Web pages on your Mac, and search them instantly. EagleFiler makes managing your information easy. It lets you archive and...


VoodooPad is a garden for your thoughts. Plant ideas, images, lists and anything else you need to keep track of. VoodooPad grows with you, without get...

Roccat Browser

<div> <div> <div> Roccat Browser is an amazing browser from the fludium family. It is an amazingly fast Web browser, which has some ...

如何在 Pages 里面打出文本上标和下标

不知各位 Mac 用户对于 Pages 应用程序有多大的依赖,反正笔者经常开着它写一些文章。比如此篇文章就是在 Pages 里面写就的。在平时的使用过程中,偶然的一次机会,我需要打出一些数学公式来,但是我发现文本上标和下标比较难以打出来。我接着发现,如果我平时经常写化学式的话,也同样存在这个麻烦事。...