
HazeOver helps you focus by emphasizing an active window by fading out inactive ones. Heavy multi-tasking kills your concentration. All those tweets, ...

Flow - Break and Focus Timer

Flow is a tiny but mighty app that helps you working on a task, studying for school or simply keeping focus without being distracted for a certain amo...

Affinity Photo

Affinity Photo–five years in the making—redefines the boundaries for professional photo editing software for the Mac. With a meticulous fo...


Ammonite provides an easy-to-use interface to find tagged files quickly using the tags introduced by OS X 10.9 Mavericks. It also works with OpenMeta ...


没有自制力怎么办?工作中老是不自觉的去浏览妹子图?大脑太贱,管不住下半身… 额,也许你需要程序来管管你了,使用Focus可以屏蔽所有你控制不住经常访问的网站,在Menubar上点击“Focus”后,浏览器就进入了“管制”状态,所有在Pref里在册网站均无法访问,而且支持对HTTPS网址的...

