Tag My Pointer EZ

OS X 10.9.0
Attach a tag/icon to your mouse pointer. The tag follows your pointer whenever it goes. Examples: - During a slide presentation, you can have a tag right next to the mouse pointer at all time. Good to attract audience’s attention. - Light up your day in office by attaching the pointer with an icon. - Change the outlook of mouse pointer by dressing it with various icons - holiday items, memorabilia, family pictures, animals, cartoons. A huge collection at your fingertips. ** Note: This is the lite/free version of Tag My Pointer Pro. In the Full version, the premium features include: - Over 3,000 built-in tags are available for a quick spin. You can also load any picture you want to be a tag. - Settings of tags can be customized - size, transparency, orientation, monochrome, distance from mouse pointer, etc. - Tags can be animated. Make a vivid impression to your audience! - The mouse pointer is tagged even when you’re running other apps. So you can use the customized pointer in different environments. - All preferred settings are saved automatically so upon re-launch everything stays the way it was. Easy to use, customizable and useful. Hope you enjoy it! Don’t forget to visit TheApps4U.com for more apps!